Monday, 18 February 2008

Baby Kimono

Its been a beautiful sunny day, if a little cold. But boy is it freesing tonight.
Thought you might like to see my Baby Kimono.
It is quick to knit and only has two seams.


It's from :Mason Dixon Knitting: The Curious Knitters' Guide . I will definately making more of these

The Baby Surprise Jacket is nearly finished - more next time.

Happy knitting .

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

I've been Gekko'd

It's been a while since I last posted, I have been going throug a bit of an off spell. Every time i've cast on or got down to knitting - it's gone wrong. For some reason i've just not been able to concentrate.
I have managed to finish the Gekko socks for mum - but they did go wrong. The first sock - fine, the second I somehow managed to totally do the heel wrong and then go on to skew the toe!!! Couldn't do it again if I tried.

Here they are, fixed:

Must admit to not enjoy knitting Opal yarn, it feels hard to me. They were for mum so at least I don't have to wear them.
Anyway I have realised that I have been knitting with bland / dark colours (kind of matching my mood at the time) and that this has not helped my cause. So I have put all other projects aside, even the Secret of the Stole ii and have cast on two new brighter items. Both are by the fabulous Elizabeth Zimmerman (EZ).

  • A Baby Surprise Jacket
  • A Pi Shawl, which has been on my wish list for ages. I am going to use the yarn below because it is just shouting "use me, use me".

Happy knitting !

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Socks of Christmas Past

I've not been doing a lot of knitting lately, so I thought I would show you the sock I knitted for my Ann.

They are made of Opal Uni on 2.5mm needles. the pattern is from Favourite Socks by Ann Budd

The pattern was really easy and I enjyed making them.

They are lacy without being tooo lacy.